Support Us
Donations & Sponsorships
Donations and sponsorships help us tremendously; every dollar lets us add another piece to our robot. In supporting us, you will help enable students to pursue their passions in STEM, engineering, and robotics.
Helps us continue to run as a team and follow our dreams!
Donate Now!
Sponsorship Levels
We gratefully thank you for your generous contribution to advance robotics education. Each level includes all the levels below it. All rewards are effective till the end of the year. Individual donors (not representing an organization) will be placed in a special credits section on the sponsorship page.

Level 1 - $1~$99
  • Name on website
Level 2 - $100~$199
  • Your name and logo will be on the website and main page
Level 3 - $200~$299
  • Your name and logo will be on pamphlets
Level 4 - $300~$399
  • Your name and logo will be on our banner
Level 5 - $400+
  • Your name and logo will be on t-shirts